Boca Raton Signature real estate
Homes for sale in 33428

Homes for sale in 33428 Boca Raton, Florida

There are 15,848 houses and condos in the 33428-zip code and has a population of over 42,000. It ranks 119th most populated Florida zip code out of 975 total zip codes in the entire State of Florida. The median age for 33428 residents is 40.6 years young.

The subdivisions in 33428 that are currently on the market for sale include: Boca Barwood, Barwood Condo, Boca Falls, Boca Woods Country Club, Boca Club Condo, Boca Dunes, Boca Falls, Boca Trails, Boca Winds Monterey, boca Winds Waterways, Boca Woods Country Club, Cypresses of Boca Lago Condo, Edgewood Condos, Gables of Boca Barwood, Heritage Square, Hillsboro Country Club, Holiday City at Boca Raton, Isles of Boca Dunes, Isle of Sandalfoot, Isle of Sandalfoot Condo, Lexington Homes Estates, Loggers Run, Mission Bay, Palmetto Pines, Paraiso, Patios Boca Barwood Condo, Palm Beach Farms, Palmetto Pines / Holiday City, Paradise Palms, Pine Springs, Pines of Boca Lago, Pines of Boca Barwood, Pines of Boca Barwood Condo, Pines of Boca Lago Condo, Ponderosa, Rainberry Park, Royal Woods Condo, Sandalfoot Squire, Sandalfoot South, Sandalfoot Cove, Sandalfoot Blvd Apartments Condo, Timberwalk, Village Green of Boca Raton Condo, Watergate Mobile Home, Winding Lakes Sec 2, and Winding Lakes Sec 3.

The mean prices of homes in 2019 for detached houses was $414,079, townhouses was $237,189, 2-unit structures was $428,423, 3 to 4 unit structures was $241,025, 5 or more unit structures was $154,772 and mobile homes were $83,528. The breakdown for housing structures in 33428 is 7,716 for one-detached, one-attached is 1,570, two is 56, 3 or 4 is 588, 5 to 9 is 779, 10 to 19 is 1,179, 20 to 49 is 1,701, 50 or more is 1,132 and mobile homes was 1,179. Those living in 33428 that are from Florida is 10,848, the Northeast is 10,902, the Midwest is 2,696, the south is 1,977 and the west is 787. The six most common fields of work were in architecture and engineering occupations, legal, computer and mathematical, management, health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations and business and financial operations jobs.

The average real estate taxes paid in 2019 for properties in 33428 was $2,791 and the median average for the State of Florida was $2,035. The ratio of Males is 49.3% and Females is 50.7% living in the 33428 zip code. The population 25 years old and older have a 93.9% high school or higher, bachelor’s degree or higher is 41.1% and graduate or professional degree is 12.9%. The rate of unemployment is a low 4.2%. Residents travel time to work is only 27.6 minutes. The breakdown of the population 15 years and over that have never been married is 31.4%, married now is 49.8%, separated is 1.2%, windowed is 5.5% and 12% are divorced. The more common first ancestries reported was Brazilians at 15% then Italian at 9% followed by American at 6% then Haitian at 4%, German at 3%, Irish at 3% and Polish at 2%.

Palm Beach County Public Schools and Private Schools in 33428; Coral Sunset Elementary School (Math: 60% | Reading: 58% | Rank 7/10 | Top 50% | 868 Students), Waters Edge Elementary School (Math: 88% | Reading:86% | Rank 10/10 | Top 5% | 864 Students), Logger's Run Middle School (Magnet School | Math: 80% | Reading: 69% | Rank 9/10 | Top 20% | 1,144 Students), West Boca Community High School, Boca Prep International School and Royal Palm Montessori School. Public schools in this area have an average math proficiency score of 78% vs. Florida's school average of 58% and a reading proficiency score of 71% vs. the 55% state average. Could it be for the schools having a 10/10 which makes 33428 in the top 10% of all public schools in Florida why so many people want to live here?

Russell Spadaccini, Realtor ®
Signature Real Estate Finder

Call: 561.338.7594 to see homes in 33428 for sale!

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