The population in 33434 was 20,709 in 2019. The number of houses and condos is 13,975 and the number of renter-occupied apartments is 1,758. The number of renters here is only 18% compared to the state average of 34%. The land area in this zip code is 6.6 square miles.
The subdivisions in 33434 houses for sale that are currently on the market include: Akoya Boca West, Ainslie at Century Village, American Homes at Boca Raton, Arbor Lake at Boca West Condo, Boca Glades, Boca Madera Unit 1 – Unit 3, Boca Fontana, Boca Glades Condo A thru D, Bridgewood Mid-Rise Condo and Townhouse Condo, Brighton at Century Village, Brookwood of Boca West Condo, Century Village Newcastle, Century Village West, Cedarwood of Boca West, Courtside, Cornwall, Dorset at Century Village, Exeter at Century Village, Fanshaw at Century Village, Glades Landing, Hammocks at Boca West Condo, Lakewood Oaks, Lakewood Midrise Condo, Laurel Oaks, Lincoln at Century Village, Mahogany Bend, Mansfield at Century Village, Peppertree, Pinelake Condo, Preston at Century Village, Santa Barbara, Sabal Lake of Boca West, Suffolk at Century Village, Willow Wood Midrise Condo, Woodbridge, Woodcrest, Woodfield Hunt Club II, Woodlands, Wolverton at Century Village and Yarmouth at Century Village.
The median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2019 was $3,496 and for no mortgages is was $1,575. The number of females is 54.5% and the number of males is 45.5% living in the community. The population over 25 years old that has a high school or higher education was 94.1%, bachelor’s degree or higher was 51.2%, graduate or professional degree was 22.5%, unemployed was 5.2% and the average time to work was 26.8 minutes.
The median age in the 33434 zip code is significantly above the state average. Renters in this area is below the state average and the residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher is above the state average.
The estimated median house and condo value in 2019 for 33434 was $272,898 while Florida’s average was $245,100. The median resident age is 62.7 years old while Florida has an average age of 42.4. The estimated median household income in 2019 was $63,217 vs. Florida’s average income of $59,227. The mean prices in 2019 for detached houses (4,343 structures) was $538,287 while the state was $343,090, townhouses or other attached units (1,436 structures) was $377,686 while the state was $248,955, 2-unit structures (282 total) was $155,235 while the state was $250,044, 3 to 4 unit structures (540 total) was $268,011 while the state was $227,379, 5 or more unit structures (7,485 total) was $123,282 while the state was $313,255 and mobile homes (121 total) was $27,609 while the state was $83,101. The unemployment rate was 5.2% in 2019.
Palm Beach County Public Schools and Private Schools in 33434; Olympic Heights Community High School (Magnet School | Math: 62% | Reading: 67% | Rank 8/10 | Top 30% | Students 2,023), Spanish River High School (Magnet School | Math: 72% | Reading: 76% | Rank 9/10 | Top 20% | Students 2,441), Pine Crest School (Private School), Saint Andrews School (Private School). There are 28 public schools that are within 5 miles around 33434 in Boca Raton, FL.
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