Because of its tropical location, Boca Raton experiences pleasant weather year-round with minimal temperature variation. Temperatures average around 68 degrees during the winter months and rise to the mid 80's during the summer.
Month |
Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) |
January |
February |
67 |
March |
71 |
April |
74 |
May |
78 |
June |
81 |
July |
84 |
August |
84 |
September |
82 |
October |
78 |
November |
74 |
December |
68 |
The weather in Boca Raton, Florida, is generally comfortable, although some people find the summer heat and humidity displeasing. Summer temperatures may reach the high 90's, but the winters are always pleasant, with temperatures in the 60's and 70's during the day and in the 40's and 50's at night. The rainy season runs from around May to October, with June being the wettest month. For a glimpse of the current precipitation, view a Boca Raton weather radar map on a weather website like NOAA or Weather Underground.
From June to November, hurricanes may pose a threat to the area. However, a hurricane has not directly hit the city since 2005, and these storms rarely affect the weather for Boca Raton, Florida. In general, the Boca Raton weather report shows sunny or partly cloudy skies, usually with a chance of rain during the summer and early fall months.
Boca Raton Weather Forecast
You may find a weather forecast for Boca Raton, Florida, from a variety of websites, and these reports usually include information like high and low temperatures, sky conditions, wind speed and direction, visibility, humidity, or the UV index. Some of these reports include a 10-day weather forecast for Boca Raton, which is a valuable source for planning your weekends or outdoor trips.
Click here for a current Boca Raton, Florida, weather report.